How Does CBD Skincare Work?

CBD and skincare are a match made in heaven.
In fact, your skin is naturally primed to receive all of the benefits of a hemp plant, not to mention your body has a complex system that works with the compounds found in CBD. So instead of a temporary fix, 707 Flora products actually get deep down to the root of the problem, working naturally with your body to enhance your skin.
If you think that sounds magical, you’re not wrong. But we’re willing to pull back the curtain and let you in on the science-y stuff behind all the magic.
Let’s back up a bit. What are cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are a class of chemical compounds—of which cannabidiol aka CBD is just one—phyto (meaning plant) cannabinoids; and chemical compounds that mimic the actions of phytocannabinoids or have a similar structure. 707 Flora products use full-spectrum CBD, meaning they’re made with phytocannabinoids extracted from the whole hemp (aka cannabis) plant, and are highly effective and beneficial for your skin.
What is the endocannabinoid system? (And is there an abbreviation for that?)
Endocannabinoid. That is not a word we want to say five times fast—actually, that was kind of fun! The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cell signaling system in the body and is involved in a variety of processes such as pain, inflammation, stress, mood, and metabolism.
That’s nice. But what does it mean for my skin?
We’ll let you in on a secret: Cell renewal is the key to clean, healthy, and radiant skin. The body’s cell turnover rate shows down as you get older. For example, in infants the cell turnover rate is around 14 days; for adults in their 50s it can be anywhere from 45+ days.
In addition to slower cell turnover, as we get older our skin may experience dehydration, loss of elasticity, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, collagen breakdown, and uneven texture.
That’s where CBD skincare comes in. Cannabinoids signal the ECS receptors located at the skin’s basal layer to help balance and regulate activity. This deep, inner-layer of skin is where cell renewal begins. The diverse and exotic cannabinoids used in our products send a signal to the cells via the ESC system to help each cell be healthy and vibrant. This encourages higher cell turnover, reduced inflammation, a boost in the skin’s natural anti-pollution defense and overall healthier more radiant skin.
Discover the 707 Flora Skincare collection.
Labels aren’t always a bad thing
It’s important to read the labels on your CBD products to make sure you’re getting the most effective and safest products. We don’t like to brag, but the CBD we use at 707 Flora is top-notch. You don’t have to take our word for it, either. We send our products to a third-party lab and give you the full report card.
What’s different about our CBD: 707 Flora’s premiere CBD active complex is a high grade, full-spectrum hemp extract with absolutely no isolates, fillers, or synthetics. (Isolates don’t have nearly as many benefits as full-spectrum CBD, and lack nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.)
Full-spectrum CBD allows for the entourage effect to occur, meaning the behavior of the compounds change when they’re around other compounds and actives. The diverse cannabinoids work in synergy with other actives to penetrate to the skin’s network of pathways, resulting in more vibrant, youthful, and healthier skin. Pretty cool, right?
The more, the merrier
Our CBD complex is extracted from the whole plant and contains multiple cannabinoids, not just one or two—CBD, CBG, CBC, CBDV, CBN & the legal amount of > 0.3% THC.Beyond our superior cannabinoid extract, our formulas are supercharged with high performance actives like micro algae’s and peptides designed work in synergy with CBD to balance the skin. Everything is safe to use on your skin, and you’ll see the results quickly.